Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse (MDSA) limited list of published material.

Master Research

Mother-Daughter sexual abuse: An exploratory study of the experiences of survivors of MDSA using Reddit. Annie E. Lin, Jimmy A. Young, Jeannine E. Guarino. Children and Youth Services Review. Volume 138 (2022), 106497.

The Nature and Impact of Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse (MDSA): An Exploratory Study Analyzing Reddit Posts. Annie E. Lin. April 20, 2021. Department of Social Work; California State University , San Marcos. Master of Social Work Thesis.

Scientific research

Mad, Bad, or Victim? Making Sense of Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse. Tracey Peter. University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada. Feminist Criminology. Volume 1 (2006); number 4; 283-302.

Mothers as perpetrators and bystanders of child sexual abuse. Jelena Gerke, Kathrin Lipke, Jorg M. Fegert, Mirian Rassenhofer. Child Abuse & Neglect. Volume 117 (2021); 105068.

Speaking About the Unspeakable: Exploring the Impact of Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse. Tracey Peter. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Violence Against Women. Volume 14 (2008); Number 9; 1033-1053.

Perceptions of Abusive Parenting Behaviors: A preliminary exploration into the underrecognition of mother-daughter sexual abuse. Christine J. Hatchard, Jamie L. Goodwin, Eryn Siddall, Lauren Muniz. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. Volume 26 (2017); Number 4, 428-441.

Professional Books

The Last Secret – Bobbie Rosencrans. The Safer Society Press, Brandon USA. 1997. Survey of near 100 survivors of MDSA. Written in book form, but helpful. Mentioning the perceived mental health disorders of abusive mothers as well.

Mother-Daughter Incest: A guide for helping professionals. Beverly A. Ogilvie. The Haworth Press Inc. Binghamton, NY USA. 2004.

Female Sexual Abuse of Children: The Ultimate Taboo. Michele Elliott. Longman Group Uk Ltd. 1993.

Personal or Semi-Professional Books

I’m Glad My Mom Died. Jennette McCurdy. Simon & Schuster. NY, USA. 2022. (Broader than sexual abuse, but an element of the maternal abuse).

A Mother’s Touch: Surviving Mother Daughter Sexual Abuse. Julie A. Brand. Trafford Publishing. Victoria, Canada & Oxford, UK. 2006.

When You’re Ready. Kathy Evert and Inie Bijkerk. Launch Press, Rockville USA. 1987. (Kathy Evert is the same writer/therapist as The Last Secret. Personal account.)